• I think most of them just don’t even know about Mastadon. I didn’t until after Reddit announced it’s API changes and people started talking about Lemmy and the fediverse.

    I just simply had heard about none of this.

    • Well, I apologize for my slightly elitist attitude. I sometimes forget just how online I am. I’m glad you’re taking a chance on this technology! I hope you come to like it! It’s come a long way since I first tried it 7 years ago, and I believe is now viable for people who want to talk about things

      • I’m a reasonably online person myself, I think it just depends on how deep in specific areas one delves. :)

        Instead of diving into the Fediverse, last year I was exploring Royal Road as a place to write and self-publish a serial. While it’s getting better known, if you aren’t in the writing communities it’s less likely that you know about it.