Alef Aeronautics’ ‘Model A’ has a driving range of 200 miles and a flight range of 110 miles. The company plans to start delivering cars by late 2025.

  • What the hell is the point of a car that can’t do more than 25 mph? This thing can fucking fly, but it’s as capable as a golf cart on the ground?

    I’ll believe this when it actually exists (the thing they’re promising, not a skeletal prototype), and I’ll believe that the FAA is cool with flying cars when I see them on my commute. None of this currently passes the bullshit check.

      • K well there are a few key differences between cars and airplanes… If planes could drive around on the road, nobody would buy a car. That’s kinda the whole goddamn point, that’s why people want a car that can fly.

        I take issue with a “flying car” that’s not a fucking car. What the hell is the point? If you’re spending $300k, why wouldn’t you actually become a pilot instead of buying some half-baked car that isn’t actually usable as a car?