I believe The Beatles: Rock Band came the closest to being perfect. Eveything about that game was just beautifully done and the only things missing was Pro Drums, an option for Keys, and a few more Beatle songs (Hey Jude, Strawberry Fields Forever, Yesterday etc. etc.)
I’ve said it 1 million times and so have many others, but it is and will always be Ocarina of Time. It’s the only game I play through every single year and still love every single second of it.
when i was a young kid, i played this game, and everytime i saw a single enemy i restarted the game and just ran around the village. it was long ago, so im not sure if its entirely accurate. ive also never played a zelda game since lol
Lol that’s pretty funny. I highly recommend revisiting it! Also, soooo many amazing games in that franchise. You gotta check at least a few of them out!