So ive been trying to code for a few mouths now but its kind ahard with life, depression, autism, and dylexia i just feel like this might be an impossible task. i really want to make a game and im not sure why, i even got rpg maker 2003 but idk how to use it do i learn myself or are there videos for it?

Im not sure if im doing thing wrong but how shoudl one start/do if they want to make video games on a low-endish computer? also i cant run things like unity or unreal, dang… feel free to share tips aswell and please be kind, ive been suggested coding/game dev alot for some reason and im not sure if its for me but idk what else to do.

  • Seconded, I always give the same advice, do something you’re actually interested in doing.

    Partly because it can help keep your interest through the pain of learning, and partly because every software dev wonders “does anybody even want this?” And usually you’ll find your market by creating something for yourself.