What we are witnessing in France these days makes me wonder whether an entire political and social model is on a crisis and is rapidly approaching its end. A western “advanced” and progressist country, always pointed at as an example of successful society, is at the verge of collapse due to internal instability and riots (and has been for the last months/years in a similar situation). Worker class rights, maternity leaves and reduces working hours, minimum wages, national healthcare and education, tolerance, minority inclusion, democracy itself in its principles of fair and equal representation seem to be at risk and simply “not sustainable any more”. Is anyone having the same feelings?

  •  bbbhltz   ( @bbbhltz@beehaw.org ) 
    101 year ago

    I live in France. The moment I read the news it was inevitable that riots would be on the way. The reaction from both sides was predictable.

    It is important to note that many of those rioting, by their own admission, we’re not rioting because of the death of Nahel or because they hate the police. They admit they were out causing trouble for just that reason: to cause trouble. Social media is playing a huge role this time around.

    France is not really on the verge of collapse. Some of the businesses that were destroyed have already been reimbursed by insurance. About 70% of French people still trust the police. Employment laws are quite good.

    But, you are right about many things.

    Education needs work. France is falling behind and there is a teacher shortage: a huge teacher shortage. They are letting people with no training come in and teach. Also, not every school is the same. I am a teacher myself, and for a short time I taught in a middle school and it was a fucking joke. The teachers there were the biggest clichés of what people dislike about teachers. It made me sick. Good neighbourhoods get better schools and teachers. It shouldn’t be like that. Also, there are a good number of private schools. The system is not the same for some of these people. Their futures are determined by geography and parental income.

    Minority Inclusion is hindered by both sides. Those minorities usually end up in areas that make it difficult to assimilate French culture and experience cultural diversity. They have the advantages of French society but at the same time resent it. French people aren’t getting the diversity either. So, inevitably there is racism and prejudice. It was the first thing I noticed when I moved to France: casual racism.

    Is anyone having the same feelings?

    Not quite, but partially. I think social media has a stronger influence that we want to admit and we need to do something about it before we can fix anything.