I’m trying to move away from Google and other big tech corporations as much as I can without sacrificing practicality but it seems like the only way to make contactless payments is with stock android on a Google approved device.

Is there any alternative out there that would allow me to make contactless payments without these conditions met? (For example, if I put grapheneos on my phone)

  • man, I wish. my bank’s app used to have its own built-in contactless payment option (and it would even appear in Android’s “default apps” section as a payment handler!) but then they moved to Google Pay “due to a popular demand” :/

    • I personally feel this should be the way. But knowing how bank do their security I don’t have faith in their software engineering as well. It’s 2023 and in Canada most bank ATM still only have 4 digit pin and the online banking login protection are like lagging 10+ years behind.