I’ve been using Piped (non-tracking alternative front end) and the video quality dropped a wee while ago. Just trying to work out where the problem is. Same video was much clearer on youtube than through Piped.
Thought I would inquire here before I try a different Piped instance.

edit: Further investigating I think I’ve figured out how to watch through a different instance, at least as a temporary work around, and without having to do a migration (if that’s even possible) or make a new account. Anyway, the video quality there (so far) is what I’d expect (and good enough for my laptop).

It also seems that in doing this I’ve inadvertently lost access to all of my playlists. F***

  • Thanks for the reply. “Temporarily disabling playback” sounds like the videos wouldn’t run at all, rather than what I’m experiencing - they run but with significantly lower visual quality. I think it’s an instance thing. Will edit my original post with my current understanding.