I’d love to hear about your quirky habits.
One of mine is that when I’m out in nature I tend to collect cool looking rocks, sticks, cones etc. My window sills have become a geology exhibit (and I have zero clue about what I’m collecting, I just go by “ooh shiny”) and more often than not I’ll have small rocks in my pockets, bags, backpacks etc etc
I sing a lot around the house, but not just regular songs. I sing about what I’m doing or sing about my cats/wife, using the rhythm and notes from famous songs but with my own improvised lines, rather than the official lyrics
I absolutely sing to my dogs, songs with the lyrics changed towards their interests (general themes include sniffing, wagging, peeing on things, etc). I should do a compilation album.
We’ll be rich.
I used to sing random shit to the tune of La Cucaracha all the damn time, which drove my wife mad to the point that I ended up putting it in my wedding vows that I promised to stop doing it.
Now I sing random shit to the tune of Spanish Flea.
Another one for the “humans are adorable” archives!
I also do this, although much less when I’m not feeling well
Sometimes when I’m not feeling well I’ll sing to bring my spirits back up
Saaaame. I’ve made up so many lyrics for my cats and about my spouse’s butt, lol.
This is me all day long and constantly. I learned that when I’m not singing I’m likely in a bad mood or upset.
My wife has learned it’s a sign I’m grumpy about something when I go a long period without singing
I do this all the time. I get great satisfaction from making up rhyming lyrics that work for random situations. My kids think I’m a little crazy, but they secretly like it (I think).