I’d love to hear about your quirky habits.

One of mine is that when I’m out in nature I tend to collect cool looking rocks, sticks, cones etc. My window sills have become a geology exhibit (and I have zero clue about what I’m collecting, I just go by “ooh shiny”) and more often than not I’ll have small rocks in my pockets, bags, backpacks etc etc

    • I should definitely have more variety in what I eat, but I figure that as long as I’m eating I’m doing OK (I’ve got some health issues that have really messed with my appetite so that bar isn’t as low as it may sound.) I’m still mainly eating pretty healthily and with lots of veggies, so it’s not like I’m just eating french fries, right? 😅

    • I have to work really hard to plan variety into my diet as well. It’s just so easy to eat the same meal forever.

      Fortunately (or unfortunately) my wife will never eat the same type of meal two days in row so that really puts a damper on my boringness.