we already collectively dislike a substantial number of 0.18+'s UI decisions, most of which are minor but are already adding up to be that much more annoying collectively. maybe we can sand some of these off with theming in the future. for now though please hang with this and petition them to merge better decisions in the future, thanks

  •  alyaza [they/she]   ( @alyaza@beehaw.org ) OP
    1 year ago

    people debating whether it’s constructive are kind of funny to me just because we made this post and then spent two hours after it went up trying to make the site work and to revert our original upgrade to something stable enough people could even post at all. we have substantially bigger grievances at this point than just the UI and basically all of today is already blocked out as “hunt down all the bugs and extremely bad behavior we couldn’t fix last night from what we had to resort to”