•  lntl   ( @lntl@lemmy.ml ) 
      1 year ago

      When I first read this comment, I thought "for sure, not black and white. This fella says there’s ‘incredibly positive changes and advancements’ "

      Then I tried to think of one positive change or advancement that colonialism brought about. I’m sorry, my lemon, I’m calling BS. Honestly, the best thing I could come up with was “a bunch of bananas for 79¢” and frankly, that industry is horrifying.

    • many incredibly positive changes and advancements for the netherlands from exploiting colonies that saw extremely little of that wealth making its way back

      any wealth that did make its way back was nearly exclusively to aid in the exploitation, not out of some genuine kindness

      not to mention that doing a good thing does not bar you from blame for reprehensible actions, such as the netherlands shockingly brutal retaliation to any disobedience by the indigenous people of its colonies

      I.E. the netherlands got rich off the backs of its colonies, which were neglected and abused for it

      not to mention their expansive role in the transatlantic slave trade

      an apology from the main representative of the nation is more than warranted, and its honestly fucking embarrassing that this absolutely tiny, practically meaningless statement took this long

      • But what does this apology actually do? It doesn’t accomplish anything at this point. The people apologizing aren’t the perpetrators. “I’m sorry my great grandpa did horrific shit.” What? You weren’t even around when your great grandpa was. You are apologizing for something for which you have absolute no control or agency. It doesn’t make any sense.

        • it acknowledges the crimes and that they were in fact bad things to do that we are not proud of, and it makes people feel better at 0 tangible cost to the netherlands

          no one is suggesting that anyone alive today is at fault

          i also dont know why you did some schpiel about how colonialism totally wasnt that bad if your real issue issue is apparently the lack of agency

      • Expedite technology transfer, for example. For the GB being able to exploit and plunder the Indian subcontinent, they have to provide good transport system to transfer all the plundered goods back to their country. Just look at Indian’s rail system now. It is hard to imagine them having it without this unintentional transfer of tech.

        Having said that, I don’t condone using this argument to make things right. Ethically their still wrong. At least The Netherlands has the guts to admit it. My country is one of the countries exploited by the British. It is nice, as a good gesture, to hear the British to admit they used to be the bad guy. It’s not going to change anything in the past, but it can somehow provide a sense of closure for the future.