What we are witnessing in France these days makes me wonder whether an entire political and social model is on a crisis and is rapidly approaching its end. A western “advanced” and progressist country, always pointed at as an example of successful society, is at the verge of collapse due to internal instability and riots (and has been for the last months/years in a similar situation). Worker class rights, maternity leaves and reduces working hours, minimum wages, national healthcare and education, tolerance, minority inclusion, democracy itself in its principles of fair and equal representation seem to be at risk and simply “not sustainable any more”. Is anyone having the same feelings?

  • You’re right in pointing out that riots are symptomatic of the underlying class struggle in response to capitalist crisis. However, it does not mean that anything is “on the verge of collapse”. On the contrary it might point to the resilience of the capitalist system. Capitalism has a tendency to create crises and resolve them, but only temporarily, prolonging its existence.

    Regarding the specific social benefits mentioned (workers’ rights, maternity leave, reduced working hours, minimum wage, healthcare, education, and tolerance), these are concessions by the bourgeoisie to pacify the working class and maintain the capitalist system. While such measures might temporarily alleviate some of the suffering within capitalism, they could not resolve the fundamental contradictions of capitalism.

    These un-guided struggles will not, on their own, lead to any fundamental change. They might be opportunities for the working class to organize, but nothing is “inevitable” about the downfall of capitalism. Only an organized, principled international communist party committed to the overthrow of capitalism can guide the working class towards a revolutionary transformation of society.

    Many are under the impression that they are going to be able to wait around for capitalism to collapse “on its own”. They think the more the working class is beaten up and kicked around, the closer it is to this “verge”. These people could not be more mistaken. Capitalism can go on forever, or until it ends the human race. There’s nothing fatalistic about its collapse and replacement with something better.