I believe The Beatles: Rock Band came the closest to being perfect. Eveything about that game was just beautifully done and the only things missing was Pro Drums, an option for Keys, and a few more Beatle songs (Hey Jude, Strawberry Fields Forever, Yesterday etc. etc.)

  • Morrowind is the best BY A LONG SHOT. (Of course ot helps that a super mature modding scene has eliminated basically all of the jank.)

    Is that why people love it so much? I tried it once, but couldn’t get into it because I had no idea where to even go.

    • Hmm, I mean, maybe there’s a mod that adds objective markers? For most of us it’s kinda fun that you actually need to pay attention to the directions people give you, and that every once in a while they’re outright wrong.

    • There’s a journal system that will tell you where to go and you can consult your map to get a general idea. Man, I remember a large actual paper map coming with my box when I bought the game and I used that damn map SO MUCH haha. I feel like you just don’t get that same experience with games these days. It was immersive for me.