• I’m not exaggerating when morning coffee is one of my most fundamental rituals. If the world went to shit, the things I miss the most would be a hot shower and easy access coffee.

    I have a little coffee cart I roll out on the weeks which I have a few gadgets on.

    • Aeropress
    • Turkish coffee pot thing
    • bialetti moka pot
    • Pourover
    • French press
    • Nespresso vertuo
    • Hario Mizudash (the red coldbrew steeper)

    I mostly make pourover and nespresso. I love the flavor of a good pourover. I also love coldbrew and love making it in that red steeper than my lady got me. The most sacrilegious device I have is the nespresso but man, it can make a killer morning brew with it’s weird little spinning capsules. Everyone lumps it in with the other pod coffee but there’s nothing like it. It makes a fake crema that is delicious just using centrifugal forces.

    • Ha! I’m not going to talk down about a convenient machine especially if it still makes a good cup. I also have a moka pot and french press but I’m not using them that often. I’m also grinding with a Baratza Encore. It seemed like an expense at the time, but I’m ok spending money on something you’ll use everyday, gives good results, and lasts.

    •  Naate   ( @Naate@beehaw.org ) 
      1 year ago

      I’ve always thumbed my nose at nespresso, lumping it in as a different style of keurig. But after hearing an acclaimed expert (Hoffman, maybe?) praise them for being surprisingly decent, I’ve been rethinking them.

      Personally, I love my V60 pour over. But I’d also love an espresso machine, except anything marginally decent is pretty pricey. How would you compare the nespresso to typical espresso?

      • I already sent a reply about Hoffman but to answer your question about espresso, I actually never use my Nespresso for espresso. That is honestly reserved for my moka pot even though technically it doesn’t really count as espresso. I mostly use the coffee features as well as the cold brew which spits out more of a coffee tea than cold brew but it’s quite refreshing in the summer