screenshots for archival purposes here

  • This is just the generic link to Steam hardware survey. Meaning next month the results are for July 2023 and this post title is wrong. Edit: Thank you to the OP for adding screenshots! Now this is how people should share.

    • as far as I know, Steam does not provide a permalink for these, this is the way people on Reddit share it and I don’t think there’s any other way except linking to a 3rd party instead of the real source of the data

      • I know. That’s why many people do screenshot, so point in time sharing the link and any following discussion can be understood later when the data it points to changes. It’s something I see often and wish it was handled better. But I agree, this is a problem with Steam, so can’t fault you for that. Maybe a link to a third party who analyze and document the current state of the survey results isn’t a bad idea. At least there is a real value in it.

        If any programmers here understand the reference I am making to pointers…