• Seeing an ignorant person’s perspective isn’t upsetting me, it’s just disappointing that this is as high as you seem to be able to reach. Also, edit your original comment if you want to add more; I’m not gonna have multiple convo threads with you and this is the last time I’m responding to a separate comment from the main one.

      • I mean, the way they present themselves is different. I understand that you think that presentation matters, but from where I’m sitting, it’s insignificant, because they’re using the power they have in ways that help the resurgence of fascists instead of stopping it.

        We get conservative results even though we voted for progressive promises.

        • Acting like I’m the one worried about presentation while you’re pretending their actions are the same is laughable. While Macron is a piece of shit, he doesn’t court dictators or push far right ideology. Biden is a neoliberal scumfucker, but he doesn’t court dictators, Christian nationalists, capture the SCOTUS with Christian activists, lead to millions of deaths by calling the severity of pandemic a hoax, foment and insurrection, etc.

          Both being bad doesn’t mean one isn’t objectively, substantially worse. I’d advise you to progress past a middle school understanding of politics if you’re going to act informed on these topics.