Hello. At the end of the last year, in October or November, I had this obsession or impulse to buy a Raspberry Pi. Don’t ask me why, because it was an ADHD thing of mine. Because I couldn’t find any Raspberry Pi 4 out there, I went to a Raspberry Pi 400, because it was the most similar device to a Pi 4. I was happy, I had a computer which ran better than my slightly old Mac Mini 2016, despite having 4 GB of RAM too.

And, since December, almost January, it’s collecting dust. I don’t know why I don’t use it, and I don’t know why I can’t take the decision to use it despite thinking about it sometimes. I can play games on my Mac Mini which I can’t play on my RP 400, but those games are still old, abandonware in some cases. But it’s struggling with few programs opened, including my browser, and I don’t like that, so I’m eager to use my RP 400 again.

So, tell me, what other things can I do with my RP 400, besides browsing the web, listening to music or playing emulators? Or, in other words, is a RP 400 better than a Mac Mini 2016 to do the same stuff?

  • I have a ZX Spectrum emulator. I’m not used to Commodore 64. It’s superior in some aspects, but inferior in others, and the aspect ratio of the pixels seems odd to me (they’re rectangular, not squared). Besides, I grew up with a Spectrum model, whose name I can’t remember right now. But good advice.