Hi everyone!

It’s Monday, and I’d love to hear what y’all have been playing in the past 7 days or so. Any thoughts, opinions, anecdotes, and recommendations are welcome.

Question of the week: What game would you like to play more often than you do, and why?

    • Cartographers: I find this game relaxing, I enjoy adding some colour too (although I should get better pencils).
    • Cairn + Hex flower: I am doing some one-shots with the Cairn rules system. I like how easy the game flows with fewer attributes. About the Hex flower, I find them more interesting than the classic hex crawl mechanic.
    • Turing machine: just a couple of quick games to test it. I love the mechanics, I love the infinite possibilities, I love the puzzle. However, the last thing I personally need after work, is more logical/deductive thinking. I may buy it anyway…
    • Ironswon: Starforged: I just needed to fix a supercomputer, but now I am doing some research in a haunted starship because some people keep disappearing. I am still learning to be more forgiving on picking penalties with bad rolls, but the adventures are quite fun.

    Tools used: Mythic GME 2ed, The adventure crafter, Adventursmith, Tabletop simulator.