• @thursday_j I think the original intention was to be a payment network. Many people mistake Bitcoin only as currency. While Bitcoin is the native currency of the Bitcoin network, we have to remember that the Bitcoin network can also be used to transact other currencies.

    I think one of Satoshi’s visions could have been a payment network where fiat/stable currencies could also be transacted on a uncensored network. In this case Bitcoin would only have been used to reward miners and pay transaction fees, hence there would be no investment risk for the user. The native currency of such network has to be decentralized and unregulated, whereas other currencies can be kept stable by the issuer of that currency.

    •  nutomic   ( @nutomic@lemmy.ml ) 
      11 year ago

      While this is not possible on Bitcoin, you can use Ethereum to transfer other currencies. For example there is USDC which is pegged to the value of USD and can be transferred just like any other cryptocurrency. There are also countless other tokens for different purposes.