•  prole   ( @prole@beehaw.org ) 
    2 years ago

    I guess my point was just that it seems counterproductive to focus on one hyper-specific market (tech), when this is a massive problem everywhere in one way or another.

    Many people seem like they’re able to recognize this in the specific market they’re familiar with due to their work, or whatever, without being able to connect it to the bigger picture that this is everywhere, and not just a localized phenomenon. They don’t take the next logical step that, “maybe there’s something fundamentally wrong with capitalism,” because it seems like it’s just the failure of one market.

    • I see what you mean, i thought ‘enshittification’ was a universal term coined out of a more easily observable atmosphere.

      Tech is just the sort of lightning rod that everyone is watching, if people read about a phenomenon in tech and recognize it in their personal lives then maybe they start to question the system of profit that is capitalism.