For me, I have shortcuts on my Mac to change the wallpaper based on time of day (light or dark), but that’s it. I’d maybe be interested in using more if I could think of a good use case, so share yours, if you have one

  • For one thing, you don’t need a Shortcut to change wallpapers based on time-of-day — that’s natively supported by “Dynamic Wallpapers,” and you can make your own out of arbitrary images!

    As for Shortcuts — well, I use ones for starting and ending my workday, a lot (tying together various work-timers like Hubstaff and Harvest and Timing; changing Slack status, changing my focus-mode for the day … etc.); but they’re honestly kinda underwhelming / underpowered.

    I get the most out of them by gluing together several automation tools — command-line scripts, Shortcuts, and kinda-janky GUI-automation tools (like, although it’s janky enough that I dunno that I can wholeheartedly recc’ it …). Sadly, though, it’s rare that it saves more time than it costs to set up. /=