• I think if you disagree with all of those points so surely, then you need to play more non-nintendo games.

    Obviously you can still love these games even if you’ve played a bunch of other stuff, but a lot of the specific points I’ve made are pretty dang objective in the context of the wider gaming space, not subjective. The world is objectively very empty compared to other open world titles (especially new ones but even some that were out in 2017), the combat system is objectively very simplistic, the side quest rewards are objectively not that useful in the context of the game, the progression is objectively very lackluster after the tutorial areas, etc.

    You can have a difference in opinion that’s totally chill, and you can prefer Nintendo games that’s also totally chill. It’s just whenever I speak to people about these games such as yourself, and I hear them say things like what you’re saying, it’s almost always been an indicator that this person is either a huge Nintendo fan or just hasn’t played many other titles that would be in this same genre. BOTW and TOTK are good games but they have clear flaws.