Hi everyone, I thought I’d say hi in this new community as a new moderator. I’m Foon (she/her), and I love table top games. My partner and I have been gaming a lot in the past 5 years or so, and we have a bunch of friends that turned into boardgamers too, and boardgamers that we turned into friends. So on average we get almost a game a day in.

I’m excited to discuss all things tabletop gaming with you all. Some of my favourite games are Gloomhaven/Frosthaven, Spirit Island, Aeon’s End, Terraforming Mars.

What are y’all’s favourite games?

  •  Dee   ( @Dee_Imaginarium@beehaw.org ) 
    1 year ago

    I didn’t think I would be into solo rpg’s either until I gave it a shot, it’s pretty fun. But I’m also a writer and see it as a fun writing tool. So if you’re not that then I could see why it wouldn’t appeal. BUT! If you change your mind Apothecaria is super fun for a solo rpg haha

    That actually does help but also makes it a little harder because it seems like the rule of thumb for TTRPG creators is that the cuter the setting the less tight the rules are. I have no idea why this is the case but it is lol

    Off the top of my head I would say Thirsty Sword Lesbians might be worth a shot. It’s fantasy, cuter setting, and it has sword swinging lesbians so it’s hard to go wrong there. I haven’t personally tried it but I’ve had friends say very good things about that system. ROOT the TTRPG might be worth looking into as well, you play as woodland creatures based off the setting in the ROOT board game; which then goes into Mouse Guard for an older system but similar woodland creature vibes. Ryuutama is another one that might fit what you’re looking for but I haven’t personally played it or know anybody that has but it seems like it might be something that could work for you based on what you said.

    There’s probably some more I’m missing but you threw a curveball when you said cute setting AND tight rules 😂


    Honorable mention is Magical Kitties Save the Day. But it’s less tight on the rules.