So after reading a number of posts and comments on here about Linux, I’ve decided to give 'er a go. I have access to an Azure VM, but I have never done anything involving Unix before and have only a basic understanding of coding in general.

Where do I even start? The most daunting thing for me is command line script, as it seems I have to memorize close to 150 common commands and their functions. Is there a set of tools or free classes that would make it easier for me to understand, or should I just get stuck in there? I was planning on using Pop!_OS since I do a lot of gaming and it seems like the closest thing Ubuntu has for that purpose.

  •  Shroomer   ( ) 
    1 year ago

    Currently on Pop!_OS, you’d be suprised how much you can customize it, it’s very user friendly and one of my favourite distros by far.

    If you’re worrying about the command line script, while it is true that the terminal can be really scary at first, little by little you end up understanding how they somewhat work by using examples from the internet and or the --help command. But on Pop!_OS you don’t have to use the command line as much, since there’s Pop!_Shop, an application which allows you to get new software, update your current applications and systems and also connect to popular software centers like Flatpak, the only times I tend to use the command line is when I git clone something or edit some configuration files through nano, other than that it’s the inbuilt shop all the way.

    Gaming is a treat on Pop!_OS. Was recentely running the Spider-Man Remastered at near max graphics with 80-90 fps average with no stuttering.

    Also as far as programming goes, it can be as simple as Visual Studio Code + IntelliSense extensions. One advantage with Linux is once you get going you can easily link libraries and files since everything is neatly packaged in /usr/lib or /usr/local/lib if you install something yourself, and not have to find where in the C:\ is that one library you need.