• I agree but I don’t.

    “Stupid tradition”

    Every fucking tradition is dumb, especially when you’re on the outside looking in.

    A better way would be to allow fireworks in certain areas away from residential areas. Almost every place I’ve called home all over the country have followed that, some not as well as others (looking at you, North Carolina… New England and the PNW for life!)

    I always had dogs and so in those exceptions in the few years I was in the south I had to hold and pet my dog every 4th as he would shake and be terrified the entire time. Truly awful or being able to make them feel better. Sometimes a drive will be good unless you’re driving by more fireworks lol

    That to me is a perfect example of the real issue: in New England where I grew up, you can’t just pop off with fireworks, whereas in the south it’s a free for all in some ways.

    Fireworks have been enjoyed globally for many many many years, why not advocate for rules and standards that would ensure it can be enjoyed without affecting others. It can and is done in many places in the US.

    Drone light shows are cool but “cooler” is nothing but objective (although it might be true technically, those batteries don’t run that hot!!)