An update to Google’s privacy policy suggests that the entire public internet is fair game for it’s AI projects.

  • I think it’s a problem of value capture.

    People had no problem posting on reddit and wasting tons of hours helping strangers solve their problems. But now that reddit puts that information behind a paywall, people will have massive issues with that.

    Similarly, google scrapped data, but didn’t APPEAR (and i can’t emphasize that enough) to use that data to deliver value that cannot be shared by the people who created that data. Most of the time your value is aligned so that you give up your “data” to google so that google can either provide you with better traffic through its search engine, or better ads to generate revenue for you.

    OpenAI does not benefit the original publisher of that information what so ever.

    • I don’t know about that. When’s the last time you looked something up on Google and the first link was driving traffic to a website rather than scraping one and present it in-engine?