• Avocados? At least in this economy, don’t care if I’m spending over $1.5-2+ for a single jumbo avocado.

    Maybe a little obvious but plenty of houseplant decor can really liven up a space. For outdoor spaces, it’s nice to have native plants well adapted to your climate and to support local insects and fauna. Flowers are really beautiful and fun to arrange even if it’s just for yourself. On that note, frames for posters also elevate any wall art decor. I try to do big sales in Michael’s, home good stores, and thrift shops.

    • Avocados are a point of contention in my house. We have 3 different avocado trees so most of the year we have more than we can eat. During those gaps when the trees are not producing, we either go without or buy from the store. It kills me to pay $2 for something that we threw in the trash last month.