From the notoriously flat structure of Valve to the support of free software to the extremely laissez faire way of running steam to the main Dota tournament being named “The International”… Is Gabe Newell a card carrying Anarchist?

  •  Piers   ( ) 
    11 year ago

    Yeah but he already has enough money to buy pretty much anything he wants. I think he owns motorsports teams and brain computer interface companies and stuff.

    If you gave Gabe Newell a truly unlimited amount of money to buy anything he wanted (an attempt to approach this being the only real reason to sell Valve) he’d probably ultimately want to invest a large amount of it into creating a videogames business with a bunch of brilliant people who he likes working with organised around a flat structure where they make his favourite videogame and he spends most of his time just hanging out playing his favourite videogame and steering the direction of the videogame industry the way he wants it to be.

    That’s Valve.

    You’re talking about a man who if he had unlimited resources would use them to make and own a company like Valve because it’s what he wants to occupy his time with and reading wider significance about him into the fact that he doesn’t sell Valve to get more resources.

    It’s like saying someone can’t be a capitalist because they wont sell the ham sandwich they just made for their lunch to raise the money to buy a ham sandwich for their lunch.

    It’s just an incoherent action to take irrespective of your social-political ideology.