From the notoriously flat structure of Valve to the support of free software to the extremely laissez faire way of running steam to the main Dota tournament being named “The International”… Is Gabe Newell a card carrying Anarchist?

  •  Piers   ( ) 
    1 year ago

    It’s so ridiculous that the wealth class, having realised that they are risking the future stability for society and fearing they may have to live in a Mad Maxian world of their own creation, try to mitigate the harm to them of that possibility by creating loot dungeons for the raiders they fear, and arming and organising the raiders to “protect” them.

    Staggeringly stupid.

    The only way for someone with tremendous wealth to insulate themselves from a scenario like that is to build and (already by the time the society they draw their power from collapses) be an equal member of a strong healthy sustainable community.

    The pursuit of which would also massively reduce the chances of their fears ever becoming reality in the first place and lead to a happier and more fulfilling life for them in the now. Presumably the reason they don’t do this is because they are either too narrow in their thinking to be able to see it, or just too self-hating and self-defeating to want good things to happen in their life if they can possibly avoid it.