Many websites ask for permissions to send you push notifications in your browser. Does anyone actually use it? Does anyone find it convenient? Is it something you’d implement in your website?
Many websites ask for permissions to send you push notifications in your browser. Does anyone actually use it? Does anyone find it convenient? Is it something you’d implement in your website?
I can relate; I have no problem with visual notifications. Barely registers as a blip.
But a sound notification? It’s like watching a 300mph crash test into a solid concrete wall. So I can totally sympathize, which is why it’s nice that it asks you if you want it on or not vs. being on by default.
I’m fucking looking at you, Discord.
Oh, that’s funny, I’m the total opposite! I don’t mind a bling now and then, but pop-up notifications throw me for a loop :)
(Fuckin Discord.)
It’s the same with telephone calls, you may as well just set my desk on fire and achieve the same result!