For the last few years franchise movies like star wars, marvel, etc. made money regardless of quality. However now it seems like audiences are being choosier when it comes to these kinds of tentpole releases. I’ve seen some people online say that the movie/theater industry is losing people in general but I don’t think that’s the case.

Super Mario and spiderverse made a lot of money. And Oppenheimer, Barbie, and Dune seem to be tracking well. I think the problem is that people are getting sick of the same old stuff and need more than just a brand name to go to the theater. What do you you think?

  • I think Avengers Endgame was the pinnacle. They achieved a beautiful new phenomenon because they did it slow, as an experiment, with only the best people at the helms.

    Then Disney was like okay, now let’s milk it dry.

    Happens to everything that gets taken over by the big suits.

    I could take the MCU from Iron Man to Endgame and call it one giant success. And a great one. After that everything started to feel like pandering and cash grabbing.