I’m looking for an option that would allow me to sync locally so I could then sync my list between my phone and computer via Syncthing.

Wallabag looks interesting but it requires a server, whether self hosted or not, that’s not what I am looking for.


  • Raindrop.io has been really good to me. I pay for it, but it’s dirt cheap ($2/m for me)

    It has both folders & tags, daily backups, permanent offline copies of your bookmarks, reminders & notifications for read-later. A good API, and integrations with automation software, FOSS projects…etc

    They have IFTTT support so you can store your own offline backups or bookmarks based on changes you make in raindrop…etc

    The mobile app and browser extensions are great.

    Overall 10/10 it’s the only bookmark and read later manager I’ve actually liked that has all the convenience doo-dads, features, and self-control that I desire.

    Edit: https://raindrop.io/