• All the American 1st amendment does is protect you from retaliation from the government if you bad mouth them. You start with that fascist shit and someone decides to introduce you to consequences, well have fun.

      • The first amendment means that you can say whatever you want (with a few exceptions) and the government can not censor you. It means that you can call the president an ass clown or say that MTG looks like an inbred troglodyte and you won’t end up fined or in jail. It does NOT mean that you are free from the sociatial consequences of your actions. It does NOT mean that Twitter/Facebook/Insta/Reddit/Etc… have to let you say what you want. It does NOT mean you can’t get kicked out of a resteraunt for wearing a swastika. It does NOT mean you won’t get jacked in the face for being a nazi (though it’s still assault and you can sue on those grounds, but you wouldn’t be able to sue them for infringing on your 1st amendment right).

      • He is being very polite in telling you that you do not have a solid grasp of the constitution or any of its amendments, let alone the first. You a big fan of the establishment clause, too? Just curious.