• I use constantly everyday, with an Arizier Solo 2. It keeps my head straight ironically, probably thanks to my ADHD.

    I recommend a tinymight, volcano, arizier, storz & bickel, etc. All are good options in that order best to worst IMO, but all still good functional device brands with good options from portables to the volcano stationary vapes. They are really so much better than smoking for your lungs, and the feel overall is so much cleaner (plus you get AVB (already vaped bud) you can use for edibles or other stuff), so I highly recommend you getting her one of the ones I and the others here have recommended.

    Feel free to ask any other questions, I’m open to them.

    •  bipmi   ( @bipmi@beehaw.org ) 
      21 year ago

      What would you recommend for stationary/desktop vapes? I own about 3 assorted flower vapes, all portable ones. Theyre okay, but breaking into stationary vapes seems a little more daunting to me. The only stationary ones Ive seen are the volcano brand. I own my home and weed is legal here so I usually just smoke inside my house in my living room or my gaming room.

      • I don’t have one personally but I have friends with them and they all highly recommend getting the newer Volcano if you’re looking for a stationary vape, gives you the option of the bag or a direct tube and pipe with good reliable heating, digital controls, etc. Other’s I have heard use the Arizer Tower instead of a volcano and enjoy it, but I only know 1 person who mentioned owning one.

        EDIT: I actually just bought an Arizer Extreme-Q, so I will report on how that goes. It was pretty good pricing for what it is.