• Why is it peculiar to say that a modular phone you don’t need to entirely toss away is eco-conscious? Reducing consumption is a good thing, right? Of course the fact that they can’t actually support that hardware is another thing…

    • it’s exactly the lack of support that becomes an issue. they make these claims of ‘eco-consciousness’ on false grounds.

      if fairphone claimed to be a modular phone (even if they had never hinted at being upgradeable 🤦‍♂️) with a couple of fairtrade gold status sourced parts, open schematics and a kind team, this could be a different story. but they promise years of support that they can only partially provide (and even then often fail to), removed the headphone jack while pushing their own unrepairable wireless accessories and they – worryingly often – can’t even keep their devices on the most recent android version.

      running out of software support should be the end of life for your device. pushing people to buy unrepairable wireless accessories. these are directly contributing to e-waste. fairphone’s claims of being eco-conscious are disingenuous at best, and exploitative at worst. i think it’s just greenwashing.