Like the title said, I had a blast riding an e-bike and didn’t have anyone else to share this to, so I’ll tell anyone who is willing to read about it.

I’ve been getting into riding bikes for the past several months, and decided to try an e-bike at a store and I can’t get over how much fun it is. Riding at 20 mph feels way more fun than driving any car at like 65+ mph. Just the feeling of the wind going past my face felt much better than any of the creature comforts in my car

I have to put in a conscious effort to show emotions on my face, but with riding this e-bike, I had the dumbest, biggest smile on my face from the moment I got onto the bike. Everybody I passed, I wanted to walk up to them and tell them that I was having so much fun and that they should try out this bike. Of course, I didn’t because I have the social skills of a brick, but the urge was still there

I also wanted to buy the bike that day so bad, but I knew I needed to practice some form of self-restraint and wait to make sure I truly wanted that bike and not needlessly spend money for retail therapy

Anyways, bikes are cool, public transit is cool, and micromobility is super cool. I hope everyone can feel the same joy/happiness I felt while I was riding this bike sometime in their life

I hope your day goes well. If it doesn’t, I hope it gets better. Thanks for reading!

  •  molls   ( ) 
    21 year ago

    If you just want a faster way to move around without a car, electric longboards are a good compact option. My partner just got one and he absolutely loves it. He can keep up with my regular bike and we can go way farther than if we were on foot, and fits in the corner of our small apartment.

    •  mtizim   ( ) 
      21 year ago

      I wouldn’t recommend e-boards to someone who didn’t skate before though. It’s really really easy to wipe out on one, and if you don’t know how to bail, and how to foot brake (connectivity issues, they can be quite dangerous, as a small stone, or a crack in the asphalt, can easily throw you off balance if you’re not anticipating it.

      For a casual user, I’d definitely recommend an e-scooter though.