I have the following questions about AMD:

  1. If I want to switch to an AMD GPU, do I need to change my motherboard? Or do all motherboards work with both AMD and Nvidia GPUs?
  2. Do I need to buy an AMD CPU as well? Or can I use my existing Intel CPU with an AMD GPU?
  3. How does the AMD GPU naming convention work? More specifically, what is AMD’s equivalent of the RTX 4070? (I want to get a 4070 but I figured it would be a good idea to research AMD’s options)
  • From a gaming standpoint AMD lags slightly behind their equivalent Nvidia cards. But they’re still great gaming cards.

    Once you start trying to do things like video editing or other GPU intensive things the lack of CUDA really shows.

    • Fsr really needs more hardware level help to match nvidia. Dlss is an absolute game changing feature that can often be imperceptible to base rendering in game. Fsr has never looked that good and I expect will never improve at the same pace as dlss if AMD only uses the open source assets they created.