What’s your work like? What do you do? Do you enjoy it? Is there something you wish you could be doing professionally instead? What are some past workplace experiences you’d like to share? Enlighten us!

  • We have the fully non-profit side of our organization which employs and gives job training to disadvantaged youth and young adults with a focus in the green industry (though we’ll provide job training in anything if there’s an interest). They do plantings, brush clearing, and many other things for the community. Then, you have the side of things that I work for, where we offer more professional services and operate more like a traditional tree service/construction/lawn care company. We have our usual contracts and we do a lot of work for the local county as well (it looks nice for them to employ us over others and we have a lot of connections anyways). All of the profit that we make goes into the non-profit side to help fund them along with their usual grants and donations.