Recently I accidentally made a Fediverse post which went viral:

stop using discord for your open source communities

That post is short, punchy, opinionated, and prescriptive, which I suspect is the cause for its virality.

Unfortunately, like many micro-blog posts, it lacks nuance, which many replies highlighted. I made the post to vent my frustration at needing to join a Discord server to interact with a community, so it is far from a measured critique of the subject.

This blog post is an attempt to address those nuances in greater detail. This is not an exhaustive analysis, and I’ve resolved to not let “perfect” be the enemy of “done”.

  • That’s what happens when you give kids ipads and Chromebooks with no freedom. Anything under the hood gets obfuscated in order to tightly control everything the user does.

    It’s sort of like how you had to kind of know how your car worked back when they were a new thing. Now you get in and it just works.