When I was a kid I thought the quarter machines at the laundromat literally transmuted your dollar bills into quarters. What’s something silly you believed as a kid?

    •  emma   ( @emma@beehaw.org ) 
      1 year ago

      Mine is like that too :)
      The milkman brought kids’ milk (whole fat) in black and white containers and grown-ups’ milk (low fat) in red and white containers and that matched up with the black and white and red and white cows I’d seen. For a special treat we occasionally got chocolate milk, which of course came in a brown container. So when I finally saw a field of brown cows I supposed they were the rare and precious source of chocolate milk :)
      My mother confirmed that this was indeed the case.
      Then one day I was in the dairy store with my grandmother and there were containers of things like sour cream in pink and white and neon green and white containers and I KNEW cows didn’t come in those colors…