
I am looking to buy a fitness band and setup some apps to sync and track data.

I’m leaning towards the PineTime watch, with a locally hosted setup via GadgetBridge to pull steps, run distances, and other basic biometrics.

There are other options out there, and I wanted to see what the community was doing, and what the current leads are in this space. My main requirements are step and distance tracking (through an android app), and the ability to keep everything local.

Thank you in advance for any help and advice you may have.

  • I’m using a PineTime, yet I do not use it for the fitnesspart. To me, it’s basically a watch, featuring a step counter, and a possibility to check notifications without pulling out my mobile out of the pocket everytime there is a new message.

    Keep in mind, that currently the heart rate monitor only works when actively using it, and I think the feature is currently bugged out in 1.13.0, bur worked prior to this update.

    Apart from that, I can highly recommend a PineTime featuring Infinitime.

    Head over to c/PineTime btw :-)