• Nothing. I miss being more informed on what’s going on in the world but I don’t miss mindless Reddit discussion about it. I miss a lot of subs though. If AskHistorians goes back to normal, I might pop in for that occasionally.

    This is getting better and better though, I’d rather ride out our awkward phase than get sucked back in to the Reddit cesspool and drift away. Although we really need to stop talking about Reddit so much.

    • Agreed. These meta discussions arent productive or interesting. I dont really care what spez thinks, what people who are still on reddit think, or blah blah blah. I know some people get worked up about “owning” reddit but its not a big deal. If theyre upset it doesnt improve or take away from my life in any way

    • 9 times out of 10 when I was using reddit in the past few years, I was just scanning the news subreddits. I also like to stay informed on happenings, and am hoping Lemmy can do well there too. I’ve been following all the news links I can find. If maybe there could be a whole news instance…would be nice.