So my lease for my apartment is up toward the end of this year, and now that I can work remote, I’m thinking of moving somewhere less expensive and finally buying a home. Can anyone with experience give me advice on the process or resources I can use? Not only am I a total noob, but I don’t talk to my family and my friends aren’t homeowners either, so I’m not sure where to start. Googling presents me with so much info that I’m a bit overwhelmed.

  • (Assuming US) This article explains the steps pretty clearly, without getting too into the weeds. Some steps like pre-approval and finding a realtor can happen at the same time:

    Check Google for a first time homebuyer class in your area, they can walk you through a lot and I think some types of loans require them.

    One of the important things right now and until you close on a house, is keep your finances in tip too shape. No new debt or financial changes. There will also be a ton of questions about your financial situation so make sure you have access to bank statements, pay stubs, tax returns.

    Different types of home loans have different qualification factors, requirements, and property types that can use it so it’s worth figuring out what sort of property you are looking for (realtor could be useful). One thing that isn’t mentioned in that article are USDA home loans, and I’m sure there are other special types too. Many areas also have first time homebuyer programs with lower rates or other incentives.