Fediverse hot takes:

  1. The only true client is the browser.

  2. Microblogging be damned.

  3. it’s the instances/servers that are federated, not the users (ie us) … and damn that too.



  • @fediverse

    1. since MySpace, social media has been primitive in the forms of expression afforded its users … essentially plaintext and an emoji or two. This has produced exceedingly low expectations in users about the richness of what content they are permitted to author online. Damn that.
    • @maegul@hachyderm.io @fediverse@lemmy.ml That’s bugged me too. Part of why I kept blogging, I think.

      I’m looking forward to Mastodon at least preserving incoming formatting so that more people will start seeing it and realizing that (at least with some software) some formatting is possible again!

    • @fediverse

      1. The great big elephant in the room for the fediverse (apart from #Mastodon ) is that choosing an instance is simultaneously meaningless and important. But the ways in which this is so are not intuitive or even known to anyone but acolytes and admins.

      5a) Proof: even if you learn the details of how instance interactions work and cause things like incomplete reply retrieval, you will forget it until reminded, because it’s unintuitive.