So, today I went for a vaccine and my mom took me as I’m a minor and after she was given a questionairre. There was a slot for my gender and instead of checking male she asked if I’d rather tick non binary. I’m cis so this didn’t matter much but it gives me hope that I might be able to come out some day.

I’ve also started teaching my sister critical thinking to prevent her becoming a religious but. Hope she remembers my lesson on questioning authority

  • I’m no longer religious but in the religion I grew up with, the priest said that it’s GOOD to ask questions about the religion, for both nonmembers and current members. Understand the faith, not just blindly parrot it. Sort of like how we want people to accept the earth is round, not because it’s the most popular belief but because it’s the correct belief if you apply your existing understanding of basic science. Accept it because you personally understand it to be true.

    I do admit that in the end some of it does come down to a leap of faith for religion, but still, critical thinking may take some to a different set of conclusions than the religious set, but it also took some to a religious conclusion. It’s possible to be religious without being a brainwashed delusional nut who hates all LGBTQ+ people. It’s possible to be religious without being anti-critical thinking.

    I also recognize a large amount of peoples’ experiences of religion involve abuse and harm, including shutting down any questions and discouraging critical thinking in favor of blind obedience.