I miss playing MMO’s, but micro transactions ruin any sense of progression for me.

Any mmo’s out there that fit the bill?

Cosmetics are fine, as long as you can’t just turn around and sell said cosmetics in game.

  • Food/potions are available through gold though, getting those with real money isn’t p2w so much as it is just a convenience fee you’re paying, and it’s not even an intelligent one. Running like, one moderately profitable meta event for an hour is enough gold to get the food/util you need for your raid build for the next 2 months. Boosters (like the metabolic primer/utility primer) are only there as additional conveniences, and aren’t even economical in the first place – I only use them if the game gives me some for free by way of twitch prime drops or some such. In WvW your commander generally provides you with food/utility for free if you’re in a zerg, and in PvP those boosters literally do not do anything, and the buffs are in fact stripped from you as you load into PvP. I cannot overstate how much nothing you get by actually paying real money for any of these boosts. The only advantage you can pay for is stat boosting infusions, but it’s so much money for such a negligible buff (to the point where stat infusions are within the range of normal variance in play for 99% of players) that it’s not even worth considering in the first place, Level boosts could be considered paying for an advantage I guess but it’s really just a convenience fee in most games nowadays to be honest, it’s nor a super dangerous thing to have in imo