This is my work; I am also looking for constructive criticism.

  • Could we think about repurposing the down-vote function to serve a different role? Similar to the report function, which signals a need for moderator review, the down-vote could be used in the same way to flag content that might require a second look. This could assist in handling extreme or illegal content without suppressing diverse opinions or content simply because it doesn’t receive wide agreement.

    What if we displayed only the “+1” upvotes on the website without showing any down-vote counts? This would maintain a positive atmosphere and could encourage more open dialogue. Essentially, a down-vote would transition from meaning “I disagree” to “this might need reviewing”.

    Importantly, if content isn’t extreme or illegal but still gathers a significant amount of down-votes, it could be an indicator for the moderator to assess if further action is necessary. This shifts the down-vote function from being a tool for disagreement to a measure for maintaining the quality of discourse.

      • I see your point, but I believe there’s a bit more to it. In my understanding, Reddit has sort of turned the down-voting system into a game - it influences the sorting algorithm and fosters a competitive environment for opinions rather than acting purely as a filter for content quality. If we were to make down-vote counts invisible and exclude them from the sorting process, we might be able to remove this element of competition.