This is my work; I am also looking for constructive criticism.

  • I remember when my sister disowned me. She was a huge Harry Potter fan growing up. When she heard that I started HRT she sent me vile text messages for months, quoting Rowling’s then recent essay on trans people. I got to hear how disgusting I was from my own sister, parroting the words of JK Rowling.

    She gives those who hate trans people validity, and spreads their message. I know how dangerous it is; I lost my sister in part because of her.

      •  jellyfish   ( ) 
        1 year ago

        That’s really kind of you, thank you. I know never talking about Harry Potter isn’t possible, even if I wish it was. Some of my friends are huge Harry Potter fans, I was too at one point; but we agreed just to try to avoid the subject when I’m around.

        Having a place like Beehaw has been really nice, it’s a place I can relax and let my guard down. I hope Lemmy adds the ability to hide posts, that’s help a lot with stuff like this.