Hey everyone! I’ve seen several posts here about cycling, so figured I’d see what suggestions you folks might have about starting to ride on suburban roads in the U.S.

Growing up, I lived in a big neighborhood and my dad and I would ride our bikes for fun on the weekends. We always made sure to follow all traffic laws, but we only road in the neighborhood. After I moved out I left my bike at their place for several years and only recently brought it home. I know I need to get it tuned up, but my real concern is: I want to use it as a local means of transportation, but I’ve never ridden on populated roads before. I’m terrified I’m going to get hit by a car and the fun will be over.

How do you get out and ride in a non bike friendly environment?

Thanks in advance!

  • I ride an electric unicycle as my main form of transportation. Do not go on stroads, stay on the sidewalk if you absolutely have to go that way. Do not trust painted bicycle gutters. Use the 25 mile an hour neighborhood roads or bike paths if available. Always wear a helmet and make sure cars see you before you cross paths with them. Cars turning right on red are especially dangerous because the driver is looking left while moving right.

    • That’s amazing! I’ve always been fascinated by unicycles, but I’m not mentally prepared to fall that much before figuring things out.

      In my state, riding a bicycle on the sidewalk is illegal for adults, so unfortunately that’s not really an option for me. But I’ll definitely use back roads wherever possible. Thank you for the input!