I’m going to keep this short but I just fell down the rabbithole of crypto again and maybe it isn’t as bad as I thought. Many of their ideas are very similar to the fediverse’s. The idea of decentralized finance using a stablecoin sounds awesome to me. (though i’d much prefer to live in a world where money isn’t needed) Maybe the technology is actually good but the techbros and scammers ruin it with their false promises and complicated words. Hopefully, in a few years after the rest of those scammers have moved on to scamming with AI this tech could be truly used for meaningful purposes.

  • Highly understandable, and a really good point to bring up - there should be some way to relink history if you end up changing your birth name or any other ID so that your current identity is associated with historic documents. Git does this pretty well in fact, and that’s probably a model that could actually be applied to a ‘reasonable’ blockchain system.

    I don’t particularly love having my birth name associated with all of my documents either, but if I could update my ID with a transaction and have it be linked to all my historic documents, I personally would find that an acceptable solution.